


There exists a passion deep inside me to write.

Not necessarily to an audience yet, perhaps not even for an audience.

I desire to perfect my writing. My skills are currently void of correct punctuation, precise grammar, or a studied vocabulary. I find myself in admiration of my high-school years, eager with the pen.

I delight in what I would now consider skills of the past. I am fascinated by those who are crafty in handwriting. So much that if I were capable of writing this blog in pen, and sharing it with the world, I would prefer to do so. Additionally, it is frequently more difficult for me to enjoy modern writings than classics. I could spend hours pouring over C.S. Lewis. I want to be knowledgable in the classic poets, of all literature eras. The novels and ideas I spent so much time learning in high school are slipping from memory's grasp, my appreciation depreciating.

I want to use words like paint. Intentional strokes crafted diligently so that at some end they may create a work of art.

I want to learn the Deeper Things of God--to be a student of His Word, a passionate communicator of His Truth. I want to make His followers and enemies yearn for more of Him.

I have become lost in a world of facebook and google--ironically, of blogs and tweets. I pray that in re-embracing these arts of poetry, Biblical studies, literature, and writing, I can in some way guard my heart from the calluses subtly caused by digital pressure.

I look forward to this journey and pray that the Lord keeps me both enthusiastic and humble. Quick to listen and slow to speak. Intentional and intelligent--though fully reliant on His knowledge alone.

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I will hear you... and I will be delighted. Yes, the writing of the hand is prettier than the print, I will see it in your pictures...Haley Sheffield. Beautiful. Amazing. Blessed. Humble. A delight. We are similar in heart, to be connected to the Word and apt in expressing it to others.
