

like I'm real

Worship like He's real, Haley.


Thus started my Sunday morning worship experience.

Have I really drifted so far from my solidarity of heart--of spirit?
God doesn't like my statuses. He doesn't comment on my wall. He's not retweeting my moment-by-moment updates. He's not a subject in my photographs. Not a friend knocking on my front door every day. I don't have an iCal reminder going off: "Meeting with God at 4:30 p.m.!"

Have I forgotten what real is?

I'm no conspiracy theorist--and I won't get down to the psychological effects (affects) of our web-based lives--but there's something wrong with the way I am thinking. I'll go as far to say there's something wrong with the way I am living... or not living.

I sang it out loud. I meant it. Hands raised, heart abandoned:

"Come shake the ground with the sound of revival."

Revival. One of Merriam-Webster's first definitions of the word is "renewed attention".
 Shake the ground with a sound that will renew my attention.

 Distract me, Lord.

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